on 13 June, 2014

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EAMCET-2014 Rank Cards Available For Download
June 13, 2014

EAMCET 2014 Rank Cards are now available for download for SC/ST candidates and for general category candidates securing more than minimum qualifying marks criterion. Successful candidates can download their Rank Card by entering their registration number and their EAMCET 2014 hall ticket number. Qualifying marks for general category candidates is 25 per cent of the overall EAMCET 2014 marks. Stuedents can Download their Rank Cards on the Official Website (Link is Not Working).

EAMCET-2014 Rank Cards Available For Download
June 13, 2014

EAMCET 2014 Rank Cards are now available for download for SC/ST candidates and for general category candidates securing more than minimum qualifying marks criterion. Successful candidates can download their Rank Card by entering their registration number and their EAMCET 2014 hall ticket number. Qualifying marks for general category candidates is 25 per cent of the overall EAMCET 2014 marks. Stuedents can Download their Rank Cards on the Official Website (Link is Not Working).

Related Information:

The ranks have been assigned in the order of merit based on the combined score secured in the EAMCET 2014 exam. The combined score is calculated by giving 75 per cent weightage to the marks secured in the EAMCET 2014 exam conducted on May 22, 2014 and 25 per cent weightage to the marks secured in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry in the Class 12 (or equivalent) qualifying examination. The Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) 2014 ranks will be valid for admission for the academic session beginning 2014-2015 only.

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EAMCET-2014 Results Declared
June 13, 2014

EAMCET results 2014 have been declared at the official website. Candidates can view their total scores and their rank obtained by entering their Hall Ticket number. Ranks will only be awarded to general category candidates having secured at least the qualifying marks and to SC/ST candidates.

The EAMCET 2014 examination was held in two parts; the first part for candidates interested in Engineering and allied fields and the second exam for those interested in Agriculture/Medical and allied fields.

Keep checking this space as we announce more news and notifications about EAMCET and B.Tech Admissions 2014.



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